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Inverse Reverse Perverse by Cerith Wyn Evans

Inverse Reverse Perverse

At the Tate Britain the other day, people were lining up to stand in front of this big concave mirror by Cerith Wyn Evans. It’s one of those pieces of art which is fun and immediate.

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Imaginary Landscape no. 4

Imaginary Landscape #03

This is another in Matt’s sequence of Imaginary Landscapes, where different locations are assembled to create new, imaginary places.

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Cookery School logo

Food shows are all the rage these days. Channel 4 wanted to give its new cookery show a strong logo that would endure, and migrate happily from tv to branded products.

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A hot Sunday Thames-side walk from Rotherhithe to Greenwich resulted in a few nice shots.

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Soundtrack for Highland Bob short film

Matt and his brother Jonathan are in the process of making a short documentary about their father Bob Rudd, and his work as a painter. Matt has started composing music for the documentary.

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Imaginary Landscape no. 1

Imaginary Landscape #1

Photo collage has long been an area of interest for Matt. He has been working on a series of ‘Imaginary Landscapes’ which combine different Scottish locations to create new, fictitious places.

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Riverside shots

Every day, Matt walks by the Thames on his way to the studio. He has developed a bit of an obsession with photographing the river, using the ‘Hipstamatic’ app.

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Scottish landscapes

Matt was in Scotland earlier this month. Whilst most of the UK was enjoying lovely weather, the North West of Scotland was typically changeable and extreme.

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Matt Rudd WEDF lecture

Last week, the lovely people at the West of England Design Forum organised an evening of motion graphics lectures at The Arnolfini in Bristol. Matt was one of the four speakers.

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